Annual Membership of Teesdale u3a is £20.00, due by the end of February each year. This includes £3.50 capitation fee paid to the National Office to cover such things as insurance, media licences, resources, advice, National Conference facilities and workshops.
We also pay £2.50 per household to National Office for the quarterly magazine, Third Age Matters.
If you are already a member of another u3a the subscription is only £16.50 as capitation will already have been paid.
Insurance covers all members. People thinking of joining are also covered for one visit to a meeting or activity.
The remainder of the fee covers local costs such as printing, postage and room hire for general and committee meetings. It does not subsidise group activities.
The financial year ends in February and those joining between September and February pay only half the appropriate annual fee.
Joining Teesdale u3a
Click here to download the Application Form, print, complete and send it to the Membership Secretary with your cheque – address on form – or bring it along to a general meeting.
Group Membership
For more about Group membership – click here. If you wish to join a group, please contact the Convener – for details go to the Groups page. The costs of running a Group are agreed and paid by its members.
When transport is needed car sharing is often organised, in which case it is expected that everyone will contribute appropriately to the cost.
A reminder will appear on this web site and in the Forum. An email is also sent to those who have provided an address. Cheques should be sent by post to the Membership Secretary as above or brought to the monthly meeting in January or February. Payment can also be made by BACS.